DA welcomes criminal case against Emthanjeni for WWTW dysfunction

Issued by Gerhard Engelbrecht, Cllr – Emthanjeni Municipality
08 Oct 2024 in Press Statements

The DA welcomes the decision by the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) to lay criminal charges against Emthanjeni local municipality in relation to the prolonged dysfunctionality of the De Aar Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW).

The DA first reported the matter to DWS in 2022, after an oversight inspection revealed that the plant was at a standstill. No equipment or machinery was working and one of the ponds was overgrown, while another was almost empty and the third was green and stagnating. As a result, overflowing sewage spilled into the surrounding veld, coming within a few meters of a railway line and within 70 meters of the Brak River riverbed.

After ongoing communication with DWS, I received confirmation yesterday that they have been in communication with Emthanjeni. Failure by the municipality to respond to the matter with urgency, prompted DWS to eventually lay criminal charges. Warning statements have already been taken from Emthanjeni officials by the South African Police Service (SAPS).

The DA is glad that Emthanjeni is being held accountable for the dereliction of its mandated duties and serious contraventions of environmental regulations. We also accept that the refurbishment of the plant will take time, money and additional human resources but are hopeful that the criminal charges will speed up the implementation of corrective measures.

The DA will monitor the case closely and believe that the firm action taken by DWS against Emthanjeni will serve as a wake-up call to other errant municipalities.