Magareng sewerage crisis spills over into school

Issued by Deidre Watson, Cllr – Magareng Municipality
10 Sep 2024 in Press Statements

Warrenvale Combined School is the latest casualty of the ongoing Magareng sewage spills.

A sewage spill in the vicinity of the school was first sighted and reported to the municipality in the June holidays. It has engulfed parts of the schoolyard and residential gardens, with drains visibly overflowing. School children are unable to safely play or learn outdoors. Foul odors also permeate the school and surrounding homes, exposing the greater Warrenton community to harmful bacteria and pollutants.

A father, who lives opposite the school, said the situation has become unbearable and that his small children, aged two and four, cannot play outside because his yard has a sewage river flowing through it. An educator also indicated that the ongoing sewage spill is severely disrupting the educational environment and is a major concern for the health and safety of learners.

At a stage, water was turned off for a dry week, causing the sewage to temporarily dry up along with the ability of residents to flush their toilets. With the water back on, the situation has regressed back to the way it was.

The DA has notified local authorities about the spill on numerous occasions. I also appealed to the director to address the situation while attempts to get a telephonic and formal response from the Municipal Manager, have all come to nil.

The DA recently questioned the Department of Education on sewage spills at schools in Kimberley and Hanover. I will also refer this matter to be urgently taken up in the legislature with COGHSTA and Education.

The Warrenton Waste Water Treatment Works was highlighted in the 2023 Green Drop report as being one of the 59 systems in the Northern Cape that is in a critical state, with its condition significantly deteriorating over the last decade. It cannot be allowed to fester and impact on schooling, any longer.