DA Northern Cape ready for 2024 Elections

Issued by Harold McGluwa MPL – Northern Cape Provincial Leader
27 May 2024 in Press Statements

The Democratic Alliance (DA) is ready to rescue the Northern Cape. We now call on registered voters to also play their part and to change the path that the province and the country are currently on with the power of their vote.

The DA has been preparing for the 2024 election for about two years and we have been campaigning even harder since August last year. We have been doing this because we realise just how crucial this election is.

More people also realise that they don’t have to accept the status quo. With the power of their vote, they hold the future of our country in their hands. If they put their vote to good use, life can get better. However, if they don’t, life can also get worse.

As from today, the DA has teams at voting stations accross the province. We also have our own systems in place, and have trained party agents to keep a close watch on proceedings and to deter any parties from trying to commit election fraud to keep or gain power.

The DA wishes to remind all voters who applied for special votes, to get to the voting station where they are registered, either today or tomorrow, between 9am and 5pm.

To the remainder of the registered voting population, we call on you to please come out and vote and not be deterred by the possibly long queues.

Voting stations will be open from 7am until 9pm on election day.