DA in the Northern Cape confident of growth

Issued by Harold McGluwa MPL – Northern Cape Provincial Leader
17 May 2024 in Press Statements

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in the Northern Cape is on an upward trajectory. This is based on internal polling, calculations relating to the number of voters that we have personally contacted during our campaign and voter sentiment experienced on the ground.

There is currently a lot of noise about random surveys and polls, some highly questionable, that are doing the rounds online and even in mainstream media, predicting ridiculously low results for the DA in the province.

We refute these unfounded claims and condemn the false narratives intended to mislead voters. This is an orchestrated attempt to try and discredit the DA and shows that our opposition is threatened by the inroads that we have made in the Northern Cape.

Contrary to the misinformation, it is a fact and not a perception that the DA achieved 25% at the polls at the last provincial election in 2019. Predictions that we will drop from a perceived 8.46% in 2019 to 6.49% percent in 2024, therefore have no basis.

The DA remains the biggest opposition party in the Northern Cape. We are now striving for growth that will either see us gain a new majority, or alternatively allow us to form the anchor tenant in a multi-party government.

This is not a pipedream, it’s a rescue mission. We are running out of time to salvage what is left of government services that have been eroded by cadre deployment and corruption, like ailing health care and the mismanaged education sector. We need to act now to rescue the Northern Cape from unemployment, crime, load-shedding and water-shedding.

The DA is the only party in the Northern Cape with the will, experience and track record in good governance, as attested to by our performance in the Western Cape and a number of municipalities. This is not an opinion, it is a fact and is backed by independent studies and Auditor General reports.

The DA is the best and only option to take this province forward. We are confident that a large percentage of disgruntled voters agree that, as a province and a country, we are fighting for our survival.

With the future of our province and country at stake, the DA in the Northern Cape has, for Election 2024, worked harder than ever before. Our campaign has been running since August last year. We simultaneously have structures working in towns all across the province. We registered a record number of voters, we have grown our online footprint and we have large numbers of voters, never experienced before, attending our rallies and mini rallies.

We call on voters who are desperate for change to put petty differences behind them and to unite behind the DA and the multi-party charter, to build a better future for us and for our children beyond 29 May 2024.