Dr Harry Surtie hospital needs fixing

Issued by Dr Isak Fritz, MPL – DA Northern Cape Spokesperson of Health
23 Jan 2023 in Press Statements

The DA urgently calls on the Northern Cape Health Department to respond to the deteriorating state of the Dr Harry Surtie hospital in Upington.

This became apparent during the recent heat wave when staff had to make do with a basic fan because critical hospital units lacked functional air conditioners. For patients visiting the hospital, these high temperatures have been extremely unbearable.

A number of ablution facilities in the casualty department, including the bathrooms for disabled people, have also been in a state of disrepair for months. The taps are out of order, and the doors are blocked off with biohazard tape.

Escalating concerns regarding the lack of maintenance at Dr Harry Surtie hospital come on the back of allegations in the media that monies were paid to a contractor, but that no work was done at the Dr Harry Surtie and De Aar hospitals.

It is evident that hospital infrastructure continues to be neglected at the cost of personnel and patients.

The DA is probing the lack of maintenance in respect of contractual agreements via the Public Works committee, and parliamentary questions have been submitted. We will also probe this, and further alleged irregularities in respect of a million-rand access gate erected at the hospital, with the health department.

It cannot be that officials and connected contractors are scoring kickbacks, robbing doctors and nurses of conducive working conditions, and depriving patients of quality health care.

The DA has requested that the legislature’s Portfolio Chairperson of Health, Sanna Tieties, arrange a committee oversight inspection to the Dr Harry Surtie hospital and the De Aar hospital, where similar challenges persist. We also want the MEC of Health to respond to the declining state of the hospital and institute an investigation with respect to the access gate contract. In addition, we want answers in respect of the ongoing absence of a permanent hospital Chief Executive Officer(CEO).

Staff morale and healthcare provision at Dr Harry Surtie Hospital is low and dedicated management is required to fix the hospital and its services.